Essential Subjects in Outreach to Muslims [SPECIAL PACKAGE]

Essential Subjects in Outreach to Muslims [SPECIAL PACKAGE]

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The Bible and the Qur’an: A Question of Integrity

A major objection by many Muslims is that the Bible is corrupted. This book presents the case that the Bible is trustworthy. Dr. Masood gives insight and perspective to divergent and convergent aspects of the Bible and the Qur’an, dealing at length with errors in copying and translation and analyzing many specific objections of critical Muslims towards the Judaeo-Christian writings. (250 pages)

Jesus or Muhammad? A Question of Assurance

Steven Masood examines how followers of Jesus and followers of Muhammad use different dictionaries to define peace, love, grace, and mercy. He delves into the Bible and the Qur’an, investigating how both present the creation and the patriarchs. While the Bible completes its message and purpose with Jesus and his disciples, the Qur’an brings Muhammad to the scene. (314 pages)

One God, One Mediator, One People

Through the first created man, Adam, we lost our eternity in paradise with God as human beings. God has paved the way for us all to be restored through the mediation of the second Adam, known as Jesus, the Messiah, the perfect human being (Al-Insan al-Kamil). The book presents reasons why the Biblical account of Jesus and the purpose of his coming makes sense. It also explores forgiveness, mediation, intercession, and being one people (Umma). (254 pages)

818 pages